Saturday 4 May 2019

Can You Overdose on Marijuana?

One of the great things about using cannabis is that it is generally considered extremely safe and generally risk free. You have probably heard that cannabis is one of the safest recreational drugs out there, and that is definitely true. You also might have heard that there are no deaths directly related to an overdose on marijuana, and that is definitely true. If that is the case, then what is scromiting? Or greening out? Well, today we are going to be talking about what it can mean to smoke too much weed. While marijuana is generally considered very safe, there are some notable side effects that one can have from smoking it, and there are definitely some bad things about ingesting too much of it.


Some people assume that since you can’t really overdose on marijuana like you can with other drugs, you can basically keep ingesting it and keep getting higher without any negative consequences. Well, I will tell you today that you actually can get way too high. It might not make you need to go to the hospital or will cause you to die, but you definitely will not be having a good time. There are a few important things to keep in mind when it comes to safely using cannabis, and today I am going to tell you about those so that you can be safe while smoking weed with your homies. 

One of the true things about using cannabis nowadays is just how potent it is. Your parents may be used to smoking weed that has around 12 to 15 percent THC potency, becuase that is what was considered normal back in the day. However, a lot of things have changed since that time. Not only are there a ton of different products that are available on the market today, but it is also true that cannabis in today’s market is much more potent than it used to be. Cannabis growers all over the nation have gotten better at growing very evolved plants that are intensely concentrated. Plus, you can smoke all sorts of cannabis products that are not just whole flower buds. Things like concentrates can be super potent, often containing anywhere from 20 to even 60 percent THC. What does this all mean? Well, it means that it is getting easier and easier to consume large amounts of THC in a very short amount of time. Some people are not ready for this type of thing. The amount of super concentrated products that are available on the market are growing each and every day.

There are waxes, oils, crumbles, and so many others that can be purchased in different states across the nation. If you have smoked cannabis for the first time in a concentrated form, then it becomes much easier to green out (or smoke way too much). Have you ever heard of scromiting? If you have never heard of the term before, you may associate it with getting sick from weed. In a sense, scromiting is like getting alcohol poison. Scromiting is a slang term for Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (abbreviated as CHS). This term is used to describe the condition that one feels when smoking too much weed, especially concentrates with a high THC potency. This condition is extremely rare, but it has happened and it is nothing fun. The condition gets its name from the people that have undergone it often screaming while vomiting, as the condition is quite scary. However, if you are safe with cannabis then you do not really have to worry about this thing at all.

Friday 13 April 2018

Best Cannabis Strains for Dealing With Insomnia

Did you know that 1 in every 3 Americans do not get enough sleep each night? There are multiple reasons for why someone might struggle to fall asleep each night, but it is safe to say that we have all experienced some sleepless nights in our days. Maybe we are up late working on a project or studying for an exam, or perhaps we are kept up by worries and anxieties that we deal with from day to day.

Either way, not getting enough sleep can be a huge problem that manifests itself in very real physical and mental side effects. Between our busy lives, so many screens battling for our time, and mild to severe caffeine addictions, it’s no wonder why we struggle to get the recommended amount of sleep (which is 7-9 hours) per night. I always try to shoot for about 8 to 8 and a half hours of sleep per night, but sometimes this is just not feasible.

What is even worse is something called insomnia, which is a chronic condition that can keep people from being able to fall asleep. While some people struggle to fall asleep from time to time, people with insomnia have a chronic problem of not getting enough sleep for nights on end. Overtime, this can create some very serious health conditions and can even contribute to larger and more life threatening problems. Cannabis has always been a source of sleep remedy for those of us who struggle to fall asleep at night. It is widely known as a very prominent relaxation method that not only comes to the mind but can also calm the body. Today, I wanted to talk about certain strains of marijuana that are perfect for people dealing with insomnia or having mild sleeping problems.

One of the more popular strains of cannabis to help you sleep truly lives up to its name: it’s called the 9 Pound Hammer. This strain is great for knocking out pretty much anyone who struggles to sleep, even people with severe insomnia and chronic pain. Oftentimes, people with chronic pain conditions note that their pain seems to get even worse at night, causing them to not be able to sleep. The great thing about using medical marijuana to help one sleep is that it also helps to relieve pain symptoms by reducing inflammation on a cellular level. 9 Pound Hammer is an indica strain, meaning that it not only makes you feel very sleepy but also helps your body to relax and sink into your couch or bed. Honestly, it’s perfect for anyone who is dealing with sleeping issues and just wants to count on some weed that will help them drift off to sleep. The effects of these strains are also strong and long lasting, meaning that it will help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

Another popular strain for people who are treating their insomnia is called Afghan Kush. This strain originates from the Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan, and is a popular and prominent strain within the recreational and medical weed communities. The most important thing about Afghan Kush is that it will truly make you feel sleepy and relaxed when it matters the most. If you are coming home from a long day of work and feeling stressed, do not fear! Just take some hits of this indica dominant strain and you will be relaxing in the best way possible. It is worth mentioning that there are so many other strains out there that you can try, but I just don’t have time to talk about all of them today.


Tuesday 4 July 2017

Edible Dosing for Newbies

Edibles are a great way for cannabis enjoyers to have cannabis. They do offer THC, CBD, or sometimes both. They can come in baked goods, soft chews, and other forms. They’re convenient and are great for new users. It’s important though to know the correct ways to dose them, since it’s important to understand this. There are a few things you should know about edibles too, including what’s in them, the dosages, and also any other concerns that may be there too. 

Edibles Don’t hit Quickly 

When you have an edible, you’re always going to have to wait a bit for it to work. That's because they must go directly into your digestive area, and then are further absorbed into the brain, and finally the endocannabinoid system. You’ll then feel the effects in the way that the THC interacts directly with your receptors.  

Throughout this, the body does slowly break down THC in order to activate it. In contrast, cannabis vapes and smoking take about 30 minutes to get in, but edibles can take about double that time, sometimes hours before it works. 

The High Is Long Lasting 

Edibles are much more potent with their highs, and they last longer too. The duration is based on the THC within, and how your body manages to metabolize this. It will last minimally an hour for most people, but if you do have a metabolism that's slower, it can take hours before you come down. It’s best if you keep a few hours to yourself to enjoy an edible, since it can last longer than expected. 

What you Consume beforehand does affect the experience 

The food that you have does affect this in a lot of cases. Cannabis oils are usually absorbed better if you have high fat foods with this. If you take an edible with a meal for example, especially one that’s fatty, you’ll feel strong effects. Many experience larger effects though when they don’t have food before too, so pay attention to the body’s responses. 

The dosing Guide 

Here are a few things for you to consider when dosing edibles. First, you’ve got the edibles that are up to 5 mg. these are the ones that are usually at dispensaries, and they are something that's often times called the microdose. They are usually achieved through breaking these down. 

However, pre-measured gives you a more enhanced, exact performance. Some people can handle 5 mg easily, with feelings of anxiety relief, and also improving their life. However, some do get anxious off 5 mg, so be careful. If you’re someone that wants something a bit stronger, then the 5-15 mg range is better for you to use.  You can use this if you’ve struggled with it not being strong for you in the past. It can be hard to get this one right, and you usually should go in small increments, and wait a bit for the results. 

15-30 mg is for those who have a bit higher tolerance. If you’re someone who has never had edibles before, don’t do this, because it’s way too potent. As you start to get past the 15 mg area, and up to larger doses, these can last a lot longer. This is recommended for those who have chronic pain, inflammation, or who just want relief. Finally, there are edibles that are over 30 mg but usually go up to 50 mg THC. 

These are recommended for people who have super high tolerances. For a lot of newbie users, a 50 mg edible is really bad, and it can make you feel anxious too.

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Cannabis is Expensive - Let’s Save You Some Money

If you have been using cannabis regularly for any amount of time, then you are probably well aware of how expensive it can be. There are two main categories of marijuana consumers in the United States - recreational users and medical users. Most states in the United States have legalized a medical marijuana program that allows for people with certain conditions to have access to a medical marijuana card. Very few of these states have also legalized adult use of cannabis for anyone over the age of 21. While this a great step in the right direction for our nation, especially considering how long marijuana has existed as a controlled substance, we still have a long way to go in the area of making cannabis more affordable for the everyday user. 

Recreational cannabis users at least can decide if they want to buy weed or not. Maybe they got a little extra cash laying around this week, and it gives them the perfect opportunity to go ahead and splurge on a new strain at the local dispensary. However, medical marijuana patients do not always have the luxury of choosing when they buy cannabis or not. Medical marijuana patients generally rely on cannabis as an alternative medication for treating various, but very severe, medical conditions and chronic pain. For these reasons, many medical marijuana patients have to figure out how to afford their cannabis from month to month. This can be a really big issue for patients that have a tighter budget, and no insurance companies are going to cover any costs related to using medical marijuana. If you are having a hard time affording marijuana, whether for recreational or medical use, then this article is for you. Today I am going to be writing about how you can save money each and every time that you go to your local cannabis dispensary.

One of the first things that you can do to save money at a dispensary is take advantage of competitive rivalry. If you have not studied at a business school, you may be confused at what I mean by that. Well, think about it this way - if you live in a town or county with just one medical marijuana dispensary, then you already know your options and the prices that you will have to pay to get cannabis. However, if you live in a place with more than one dispensary located within a few miles of each other, there is a high chance that you can find some killer deals on marijuana. This is because of the fact that cannabis dispensaries will have to compete with each other and lower prices in order to beat out the competition. While this tip may not work as well for you if you are not in an area with a lot of dispensaries open for business, it may be worth making the hike to a place with more dispensaries in order to save some money in the long run. 

Another way you can save money when you go to the dispensary is looking out for sales and discounts. Honestly, this is a good rule of thumb when you are shopping for anything. If you are constantly buying things on sale at the grocery store or at the dispensary, you would be surprised at how much money you can save. Many dispensaries that are in highly competitive areas will have weekly, daily, and monthly sales on different types of cannabis products and strains. This can be a great way to save some money and even be able to try new products or strains that you have not had before!

Friday 3 March 2017

Best Cannabis Strains for Dealing with Pain

Medical marijuana is quickly becoming more and more popular all across the United States of America. There are currently 36 out of the 50 states that have legalized the use of medical marijuana, and 14 of those that have legalized the use of cannabis for all adults over the age of 21, even without a medical card! This is great news for people that may be dealing with chronic pain. Sure, we have all experienced pain in our lives from time to time. Maybe we twisted our back while unloading the van yesterday and are taking it easy, or perhaps you’ve experienced a sprained ankle in your younger years that kept you off your feet for a couple days.

Chronic pain is something completely different, and it is often hard to actually imagine what dealing with this sort of pain is like unless you or someone close to you has experienced it for themselves. People with chronic pain often are diagnosed with some sort of disease or condition that makes it very hard for them to function from day to day, and are often kept awake at night by their pain that only seems to worsen during that time. One of the biggest problems facing these patients is that their treatment options are very limited.

When it comes to painkillers and prescription medications, it seems that there are not healthy alternatives to using things like opioids, which are actually very harmful themselves. That is why many people with chronic pain conditions end up with crippling opioid and alcohol addictions. They simply need more and more to be able to control their pain and can no longer function without it. Hopefully, people with chronic pain can use medical marijuana as a natural and more risk free alternative to manage their symptoms.

Today we are going to talk about some of the best marijuana strains for dealing with chronic pain. Not only does cannabis provide a nice relaxing high for your body and mind, but marijuana also reduces levels of inflammation and irritation on a cellular level, making it much easier to escape from chronic pain symptoms during the day and at night. To start off the list, we are going to be talking about the all-time classic - Sour Diesel. Sour Diesel is one of the more popular and well-liked marijuana strains that is out on the market right now. This strain is great for smoking or consuming during the day due to the fact that it is a Sativa cannabis strain.

Not only will you find some pain relief, but you will also feel more energized and uplifted in order to do things during the day that your pain normally keeps you from. This makes it perfect for people who want relief from their symptoms but still have stuff to do. Another strain is called White Widow, which is generally not for beginners because of it’s very potent THC content. White Widow is an indica dominant hybrid strain, meaning that it will help to reduce your aches and pains while it also helps you drift off to sleep at night.

This is perfect for medical marijuana patients who struggle to sleep at night due to the amount of pain that they are experiencing. By using White Widow an hour or so before you plan on going to bed, you can be sure that you’ll feel nice and tired when the time comes to slip into bed. You will also find surprising relief from your pain and will feel wholesome and uplifted as you drift off to sleep.


Thursday 14 April 2016

Can You Get Fired for Having a Medical Marijuana Card

One of the things that I don’t talk about enough here is the problem of trying to use a medical marijuana card. Now that medical marijuana is legalized in so many different states, trying to keep a job while regularly using cannabis shouldn’t be a big deal, right? Especially if it is only done casually on the weekends or in the evenings or something like that. Unfortunately, the problem with cannabis in a lot of work culture is that it is just not allowed. A lot of employers across the United States are still clinging onto that idea of weed being an evil and addictive drug, even in the face of so many people benefiting from using medical marijuana in a beneficial way. One of the growing concerns for people that use cannabis is how their employers will react.

If there is not really a verdict out in a certain company, most people are simply going to not tell anyone that they are using cannabis for fear of getting punished or even fired. Companies are still doing random drug tests for traces of cannabis in states that have already legalized recreational cannabis. It would be like your job as a waitress not allowing you to drink alcohol or take ibuprofen even when you are not working at the restaurant. Seems a little crazy doesn’t it? Well, there is some merit for companies to be safe when it comes to allowing employees to use marijuana. But this is also a question of ethical concern, since many people are beginning to use cannabis as an alternative medicine for some chronic health conditions. Today, we are going to be talking about everything you need to know regarding employment and using marijuana. 

If you have ever been looking online at different job postings, you probably have noticed the disclosure that companies will write on their posting explaining the drug testing policies. You may have to look a bit to find it, but it is definitely there. It would make sense for mandatory drug testing to decrease across the nation, especially when more and more people are beginning to use cannabis and it is becoming more accessible. However, research shows that the amount of drug testing in the United States by employers is actually increasing. What better way to alienate a bunch of potential employees by saying that their use of medical marijuana is not welcome in that company. Businesses could be losing out on valuable employees simply by drug testing for marijuana.

After all, what is the harm in using cannabis in the evenings or on the weekends while you are not working? Can it actually be said even when people do this with alcohol all the time? I really have no answer for this. However, I do know that many people would rather take a lesser position and avoid having to take a drug test. It brings up the ethical question of whether or not it is ethical to drug test patients that have a medical marijuana card. If they already have a serious clinical condition, been evaluated and referred by a doctor, is it fair to be able to discriminate against them? At what point is this unfair for someone with a medical condition? I am not really sure what the answer is. I do know that this issue is going to become more common as time goes on. Luckily, the job I have does not care about using cannabis or anything like that. In fact, my coworker uses edibles when he goes on vacation with his in-laws.


Thursday 3 March 2016

Cannabis and Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is one of the most common mental degradation conditions for those over the age of 65 or so, and it can be something that one in every six people over the age of 80 deals with. While not fully understood, it’s something that does have certain risk factors to it. They include: 

  • A family history 

  • Getting older 

  • Lifestyles and conditions that are related to heart disease 

  • Untreated depression and other mental health issues. 

Alzheimer’s is basically the disease that contributes to dementia, but dementia is definitely a term that results in your mental and cognitive abilities dramatically declining, impacting your life quality. It can also be related to other conditions or even injuries that impact your brain, leading to the decline as it gets steady. The cause of this is simply because you’re not having the proper flushing of the proteins within your brain cells, so the neurotransmitters can’t send signals, and scientists can definitely struggle with the effects of this as well. It causes your brain to shrink, and it is not easy to deal with. Can cannabis help though? 

Cannabis and your brain 

There is a possible link between cannabis and the treatment of Alzheimer’s, which does boil down to the effect of the herbs on the brain. This is because the cannabis that you intake works with your endocannabinoid receptors, which is basically receptors in the cell throughout your body and uses endogenous cannabinoids, which are naturally occurring to help with the functions in the body.

You’ve got two main receptors, the CB1 and the CB2 receptors, which are normally found within your brain and spinal cord, and also, you may also find this in the immune system. There is some studies which say that if you vape, smoke, or intake cannabis in some way, the cannabinoids will directly bind to your receptors, releasing this into the brain, and then changing the sharing of the information on the brain, which can help to create the impact of cannabis for those who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. 

 Cannabis and Alzheimer’s 

There is a lot to learn about what cannabis does to the brain, but there are a few clinical trials that have worked to ensure that the impact of these cannabinoids on your behavioral systems for those with dementia are studied, especially those involving agitation and aggression. They actually found that THC along with CBD may be more useful together than using them in isolation. 

According to a report from the Alzheimer’s drug discovery foundation, the synthetic THC that’s called Nabilone, is actually one of the best ways to treat Alzheimer’s symptoms. It actually found as well through different studies that it can be used to reduce the agitation that’s associated via Alzheimer’s. 

While the data does look promising, right now we don’t have a ton of studies, and it could be said that more are necessary before we can safely say that cannabis does have some potential to help with Alzheimer’s symptoms. so is THC good for this? right now, given that THC is considered a psychotropic type of drug, it can possibly be good for this. the dosing and how many times you take it plays a much larger part. 

there is also the fact that THC may also impact the brain, but right now we don’t have the comprehensive answer for this. As for CBD, there is a lot less research on this, but some have found that it’s kind of neuroprotective, which can be helpful for those who have Alzheimer’s to protect the rest of the body from breaking down as well.

Can You Overdose on Marijuana?

One of the great things about using cannabis is that it is generally considered extremely safe and generally risk free. You have probably he...