Saturday, 4 May 2019

Can You Overdose on Marijuana?

One of the great things about using cannabis is that it is generally considered extremely safe and generally risk free. You have probably heard that cannabis is one of the safest recreational drugs out there, and that is definitely true. You also might have heard that there are no deaths directly related to an overdose on marijuana, and that is definitely true. If that is the case, then what is scromiting? Or greening out? Well, today we are going to be talking about what it can mean to smoke too much weed. While marijuana is generally considered very safe, there are some notable side effects that one can have from smoking it, and there are definitely some bad things about ingesting too much of it.


Some people assume that since you can’t really overdose on marijuana like you can with other drugs, you can basically keep ingesting it and keep getting higher without any negative consequences. Well, I will tell you today that you actually can get way too high. It might not make you need to go to the hospital or will cause you to die, but you definitely will not be having a good time. There are a few important things to keep in mind when it comes to safely using cannabis, and today I am going to tell you about those so that you can be safe while smoking weed with your homies. 

One of the true things about using cannabis nowadays is just how potent it is. Your parents may be used to smoking weed that has around 12 to 15 percent THC potency, becuase that is what was considered normal back in the day. However, a lot of things have changed since that time. Not only are there a ton of different products that are available on the market today, but it is also true that cannabis in today’s market is much more potent than it used to be. Cannabis growers all over the nation have gotten better at growing very evolved plants that are intensely concentrated. Plus, you can smoke all sorts of cannabis products that are not just whole flower buds. Things like concentrates can be super potent, often containing anywhere from 20 to even 60 percent THC. What does this all mean? Well, it means that it is getting easier and easier to consume large amounts of THC in a very short amount of time. Some people are not ready for this type of thing. The amount of super concentrated products that are available on the market are growing each and every day.

There are waxes, oils, crumbles, and so many others that can be purchased in different states across the nation. If you have smoked cannabis for the first time in a concentrated form, then it becomes much easier to green out (or smoke way too much). Have you ever heard of scromiting? If you have never heard of the term before, you may associate it with getting sick from weed. In a sense, scromiting is like getting alcohol poison. Scromiting is a slang term for Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (abbreviated as CHS). This term is used to describe the condition that one feels when smoking too much weed, especially concentrates with a high THC potency. This condition is extremely rare, but it has happened and it is nothing fun. The condition gets its name from the people that have undergone it often screaming while vomiting, as the condition is quite scary. However, if you are safe with cannabis then you do not really have to worry about this thing at all.

Can You Overdose on Marijuana?

One of the great things about using cannabis is that it is generally considered extremely safe and generally risk free. You have probably he...