Marijuana and Morphine

If you’re taking morphine, there is a chance that you can use cannabis, but it’s very important that you discuss this with your doctor. The thing with morphine is that it’s very addictive, especially compared to opioids, which is why some people are relying on other means to help with this. There is also evidence though that cannabis can reduce opioid dependency in many cases. 

What Morphine is 

This is a resin that’s found in the poppy plant, and it’s an opiate. It was isolated in the 1800s and was used as an analgesic for surgery and other treatments. This does bind directly to the opioids receptors, helping to relieve the perception of pain, and the response you have to it.

Some people use this for cancer pain, and also pain that’s not from cancer, but the prescription may involve different ways to take it, including inhalation, IV, and also doing so orally. Opiates are basically derived directly from the plant material that’s there, and compared to opioids, which are more man made, they do differ. But they do bind to similar receptors, and they both carry the possible risk of addiction. The misuse of the synthetic opioids is so high these days that there is a public health crisis in doing this, and many are looking for alternative treatments. 

How this Works 

Morphine is great for treating chronic and short-term acute pain.

It can also treat other types of pain, including neuropathic, and also tissue damage pain. 

This is commonly used in: 

  • Cancer treatments 

  • Post-op care 

  • Birth 

  • Palliative care 

Morphine does work with the opioid receptors that are within the body, and they bind directly to this, and it helps with reducing the pain signals that are there, so that you can feel less pain. 

Morphine causes the following sensations: 

  • Reduction of pain 

  • Sedation 

  • Euphoria 

  • A dependency on this 

Usually, you take this, and then, after 60 minutes, you reach the peak concentration, and they can last up to 24 hours in one dose. 

The Benefits of Mixing 

Morphine is a very good painkiller, but it’s also super addictive, which is why doctors don’t encourage this for the long term. But some people have long-term pain. Cannabis, which works as a natural analgesic, definitely modulates the pain that's there, including the inflammatory response, and the endogenous opioid receptors that are there. 

Some people have turned to this, taking marijuana with opioids. It helped with reducing the pain, but also the discomfort, spasms, insomnia, nausea, and the inflammation, and this also helped with reducing higher stress levels that those who have chronic pain suffer from, improving their lives too. 

The Risks 

The risk that come with this are similar to other drugs, as the THC and the CBD in this do impact the enzymes. Morphine does rely on an enzyme to activate, but CBD does inhibit this, which leads to far lower levels of this, and it impacts the effects of morphine. But there is very little evidence to prove this, and some have found that it actually causes the opposite in some cases. 

Plus, not to mention that cannabis is not good if you’re operating equipment, and also driving something, and it can sometimes make things psychoactive. Some people do not have a good response to the use of cannabis and morphine together due to how psychoactive this can be. 

For this reason, it’s best to understand that if you’re going to take cannabis and morphine together, you should talk to your doctor and find out if it’s right for you and make adjustments as needed.

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